Week 4 back in Wellington (19th - 25th November 2007)

Monday – Friday, 19th – 23rd November 2007: You know, I realised that I never really had time to watch TV since I came to NZ. My friends and colleagues would be talking about Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy or something, and I would be pretty much LOST. So I decided it was about time I caught up with some of those TV series and rented Season 1 of Sex in the City (I’ve seen parts of Season 6 on TV but nothing made sense to me e.g. who’s Mr Big and how did he come into the picture??). I would love a life like Carrie’s minus the smoking. Come to think of it, I do have a bit of a Carrie-like life to some point…not so much on the expensive shoes though :P

I went to Havana Bar on Tuesday night to catch up with some friends. Roberto was playing that night and some of us managed to salsa to a few songs in the small place. Nothing’s changed at Havana – still the same gigs on Tuesdays, Abel (the Argentinean bar manager) in his Argentina hat serving us drinks, dim lights, cosy atmosphere and the sound of good music blended with people talking. If you are not up for a drink on a Tuesday, then order yourself an $8 Havana Special – non-alcoholic fizz drink made from passion fruit pulp, mint leaves, fruit juice and soda water (and probably some other stuff inside that Abel’s not telling me). I’ve got to try it out myself at home…hmm…Photo of us at Havana Bar: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8070917@N05/sets/72157603467813990/detail/

Wednesday was my last day at SIM. It felt odd to say goodbye again. Everyone, thanks for having me back for a short while – please do keep in touch!

Hew, her friend Ping and I went to James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor on Wednesday night to attend The Rock Church Women’s Christmas Party. Cost me $25 for the function which included supper. It was really nice – a choir, Christmas carols, a fashion speaker (Amilie Taylor from Truststyle), yummy cakes etc. And lucky for Hew – she won a discount voucher for a facial at Beaute Ultime!

Caught up with Sharon for lunch on Friday at The Long Bar on Brandon Street and a quick update about our lives (I haven’t really had the chance to talk to Sharon since I got back). A very busy place during lunchtime – make sure you book beforehand!

Oh, and I picked up my car today! Yay, I get to zip around in my new car this weekend!! It's such a cute little thing. Hehe...Photos of my car: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8070917@N05/sets/72157603472072383/detail/

BBQ at Helbert’s flat is now becoming a regular Friday after-work activity and his flatmates have also started to get in sync! Hehe…it’s a good way to end the work week, enjoy some sun and good company :) The night was spent at Latinos Bar (Vivio and Greydis were back for another series of workshops) – Greydis can really shake and groove! Doubt I can ever do that tummy-crunching move like her. She does it so well and it’s always a pleasure to watch her dance.

Probably if you have met me several years ago, I would be quite stunned if you came over and gave me a kiss on the cheeks or hug. I don’t know if it was the way I was brought up or the culture I was in – if you see someone, you shake hands; no kissing or hugging business. These days, if you didn’t greet me that way, I would feel something amiss! I’ve got used to it and I think I stunned some of my friends in Malaysia when I hugged them hello (sorry, I forgot I was in another country!). It was really funny when Helbert told me some woman he was saying goodbye to on his way out of Latinos Bar (yes, he did the usual kiss-on-cheek) asked him if he was gay! I would say New Zealand is starting to get into the habit of this sort of greeting though still foreign to some ;)

Saturday – Sunday, 24th – 25th November 2007: Caught up with old friend Ben (fellow Malaysian whom I met during university international student orientation 6.5 years ago – the same time I met Hew; we are probably the only 3 from that batch still in Wellington) on Saturday morning for breakfast at Caffé Italiano on Cuba Street. This is a new café and the wait staffs are Italians – adds to the authenticity of the place! I went to settle the bill and the Italian waiter said to me that Wellington women always pays when they go out with a guy (I didn’t mind paying for the breakfast). Our brief chat went something like this:

HIM (speaking with an Italian accent): ‘In Italy, the men ALWAYS pay!’
ME: ‘If that is the case, I should really move to Italy then!’
HIM: ‘Yes, or date an Italian man…’

Hint, hint…Italian men…hmm…

I had my first swimming lesson at the Wellington Aquatic Centre in Kilbirnie. About time I got back into an exercise routine and work on that water phobia of mine. But boy was it hard work trying to swim a full length and back! I had to use the 1.2M pool to learn the freestyle move. Would probably take awhile before I master the swim stroke and migrate to lane swimming (the depth of the pool for lane swimming is 2M). And Helbert is a no-nonsense coach that keeps me on my toes!

I’m feeling nervous to start work on Monday!! By the way, I won’t be updating my daily life happenings here as often from now since I’m not travelling much (back in the workforce and routine lifestyle). Please do check my blog regularly for any updates!


  1. Ooooh...pretty car you got there! I must make a trip there and let you bring me around! Hehe...
    Glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself there! Take care and keep in touch!


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