Pizza night at Christian's (6th April 2008)

Christian organised a pizza night with a few friends at his new place on Edward St. Though I'm not big on pizzas, it was a nice way to spend Sunday evening in the company of good friends and lots of laughs :) We should do this more often!

Everyone brought something for the pizza topping - olives, mushrooms, ham, smoked chicken, banana chilli (yes, they EXIST, these huge jalapeno-looking yellow chillies that Chris brought for us), salami etc. to put on top of Christian's home-made pizza base. We had all sorts of combinations - yum! Some of us also brought some dessert and I made us a banana walnut loaf :) Hope you guys like it! Photos taken tonight:

Guests at Christian's: Bill, Sanya, Vaughn, me, Ramnish, Antje, Leslie and Kanaka

Sanya and our pizza chef, Christian

Group photo!!!!

A few additions in the photo - Brian (between Bill and Sanya), Chris next to me, and Jacob and his gf

Jacob and his Zoolander look :P


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