This week is all about catching up (11th - 14th August 2008)

Yep, this whole week was all about catching up with friends. I have a lunch date pretty much everyday this week!

On Monday, Claus and I caught up and we headed to Freyberg Pool & Fitness Centre together. We work in the same area in town and coincidentally I was heading to the gym and he to swim at the same place during lunchtime so we decided to walk there together. Or so I thought - when I saw him downstairs, he had his mountain bike with him. No, you can't be suggesting we bike there??? He got me to sit in front on the top tube and biked the two of us all the way from Chaffers Market to the pool!! This is the amazing thing when we hang out some days - we somehow end up doing crazy things and it makes me laughs so much. A good warm-up workout for you Claus before your swim...hehe...Though biking like this gives me a buttsore (even more so when we bike pass bumps), it was so much fun :) What more when I don't have to do the hard work but just hold on tight and enjoy the breeze in my face :P

Tuesday was lunch with Rosel and Claus at Dorothy Patisserie - it was catch-up session with our opera star! Rosel was so full of energy today (way more than she normally is) and we chatted and laughed so much together. It was really nice and I would have loved for us 3 to spent the day together but Claus and I both have to be back at our work respectively so had to wrap up our get-together after an hour plus :( We'll need to catch-up again another day!

Wednesday was a coffee session with Thomas at Cubita Cafe. Since he returned to Wellington, I haven't really caught up with him. He will be leaving us again at the end of the month, this time officially leaving NZ for his job in Germany. Another farewell coming up and it's really sad that Thomas is leaving us. We'll have to keep in touch and do come back to visit us!

Yes, I still had to help teach samba de gafieira Tuesday and Wednesday night. Luciano is a joy to teach in the sense he would laugh at his own mistakes and crack jokes in between, making the class relaxed and enjoyable. And he's learning quick!

Thursday was a lunch date with Kalwant. Headed over to her office and we had our toasted sandwiches together in her kitchen. Hey girl, we should do this more often - her kitchen area is larger than the one in my office. Don't have to spend money eating out to catch up. We can do it indoors!

I felt that I've been dancing almost everyday since last Friday! Tonight's bellydancing class would be the last for the week. No salsa for me on Friday - too much dance! And too much of a good thing is not good :/


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