Attract More Success, Money and Abundance workshop (6th April 2010)

Back in 2008 when I went to visit Sharon in Melbourne, I took the opportunity to read the book The Secret which she had at home over the weekend I was there and on return to Wellington, did a search to see if there was a community group in town who got together to learn the teachings of The Secret. I’m quite fascinated really, why one would pay tonnes of money to be on a course to learn the principles of the book (an idea some person thought of and sells it for money) and thought it would be interesting to see and hear the experiences of Wellingtonians on how they applied such principles to their lives and achieved the things they desired. Unfortunately, no such group exist but I did stumble upon The Law of Attraction Centre website and found out that they were conducting a free Attract More Success, Money and Abundance workshop in town. Yes, F-R-E-E. So I thought “Why not?” and signed myself up to the free workshop (normally $99) last year. The workshop had since been postponed a few times due to lack of numbers – FINALLY on tonight!

Headed over to St John's In The City (a Wellington inner-city Presbyterian church) at the corner of Dixon and Willis Streets around 6.30pm for the workshop held in one of their conference rooms. Upon entering the venue, I was greeted by the presenter, Chris Prime, and given my free Seminar Resource CD filled with eBooks, audio books, music etc. for us to take home, a worksheet booklet for participants to work through during the workshop and another booklet of testimonials from previous attendees of their successes. I sure hope I would be awake for the 3-hour long workshop – I’ve had a long day at work and was feeling rather tired. Yawn…

You know, the workshop actually turned out to be very interesting and it didn’t felt like 3 hours at all! Chris Prime was a fantastic presenter, using lots of visual tools like the whiteboard and his own body language, has a great sense of humour (obvious in his presentation) but most of all, making the workshop easy to comprehend. He started off explaining to us what the Law of Attraction is – defined as something you attract to your life, whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether negative or positive. It is based on your current vibration (which is a mood or feeling) and the Law of Attraction works by matching such vibrations i.e. negative with negative, positive with positive. In other words, the more good/bad vibes you put out, the more likely you are going to attract the same vibes. A common example is getting to work late: your day starts with the alarm not ringing, you wake up and you realise you’re late (negative vibration). You rush to the bathroom to get ready for work and stub your big toe at the door (negative vibration). Then you run out to catch the bus and watch it leave as you run up to it (more negative vibration). And by the time you get to work, you boss tells you off (do I need to say more?). I think you get the gist.

So what do we do? Well, we first have to change the vibration so it becomes a positive one to attract positive vibrations. To do so, we need to rid 3 negative words from our daily vocabulary: “DON’T”, “NOT” and “NO”. Every time we use these words, we are actually sending out the opposite vibe e.g. when you say “Please don’t hesitate to call me”, you don’t really want to be called but instead get called lots. To correct this, we are taught to ask ourselves “So, what do I want?” in situations where we would use those 3 words and reword our sentences to a positive one. When you go from ‘what you don’t want’ to ‘what you do want’, the words change and when the words change, the vibration changes.

The workshop continued on with participants being taught the 4 key steps of the Law of Attraction:

1) Identifying your desires by using a T-tool (just a blank sheet with a large ‘t’ drawn on) and listing 50 items of things you don’t want and flipping them over to what you do want. This exercise helps you identify and be clear of what it is you do want. One T-tool per desire.

2) Give the desires attention. Do this by visualisation, talking about it, writing about it, whatever you can think of to give it ‘feelings’ and juice. Rid the little negative voice in the head by rewording your affirmations so that you are not lying to yourself. I thought the example Chris used was very clever. He got a lady from the audience to come up so he could prove to us that we all have this annoying little voice in us – she wanted to be financially free so he got her to tense her stretched out arm and say the words “I’m financially free”, then proceeded to push down her arm which he did easily. Then he got her to change the words to “I’m in the process of becoming financially free” and astonishingly, he couldn’t push her arm down (it didn’t seem like an act because he tested it several times with different examples and this lady was rather sceptical about the whole idea to start with).

3) Allowing/removing doubt. Find evidence or proof to remove doubt – ask good questions like “How can I?”, “What I can do?”, “Who can help me?” and “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid” to remove your doubt. And be grateful for what you have.

4) And the most important step of all, taking action. Opportunities will present themselves by the Law of Attraction but you need to step in and take action to see results. How does one spot an opportunity presented by the Law of Attraction? The action to take seems very, very easy.

The participants tonight vary in age and race, and have different levels of acceptance/scepticism towards the workshop (as I found out talking to some during our 15-minute tea break) – some really embraced it, actively participating in the workshop, buying the self-help books and signing themselves up for the following workshop, the Empowerment workshop (cost $395) while others tried to argue the Laws of Attraction – exactly how I expected the audience to be. And to make sure that what we learnt tonight didn’t ‘disappear’ after we walked out the door, participants will receive 6 audio emails over the course of the week from Chris with key points on what we’ve learnt. A very well-thought out workshop and I bet lots of attendees from the free workshop signed up for the Empowerment workshop. Pretty clever way to sell an idea, I say.

For me, a lot of what was discussed tonight were already things and/or tools I’ve been using to put myself into a positive frame of mind and strive to obtain the things I want in life so was more a reminder for me rather than learning something new (and just watching how other people react was highly amusing). These ideas and tools are things that we all know i.e. they are no secret. We just need to actively practice them – it all boils down to TAKING ACTION!


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