Chilled out Friday & child sponsorship (21st August 2009)

Didn't actually do much work at the office today for it was a team get-together day where the managers bought fish 'n' chips for the whole team followed by taking us out to see the new Peter Jackson movie, District 9. I've read very good reviews of the movie but it wasn't really my type cup of tea though I have to say, the story was very cleverly done with indirect references to what may be the historic events that occured in South Africa during the apartheid government. Did you notice that when it comes to sci-fi movies, the aliens are usually forms of an octopus/squid, some crustacean (in this movie, prawn-like aliens) or insects? Can't it be more creative than that??

Had a quiet evening at home with Priscilla. Us two girls were bored and started raiding the pantry for junk food! Spent the evening in our flannel pajamas and slippers watching Notting Hill on DVD which was nice :)

By the way, I'm officially a sponsor of a Cambodian child through World Vision New Zealand. Since returning from my trip to Cambodia and seeing the lives of the children there, I have been researching on NZ-based organisations that has child sponsorship and microfinance programmes where I can donate to (most of them are Christian organisations). I settled for World Vision mainly because they had Cambodian children who needed sponsors and it incorporates microfinance as part of the sponsorship. It is also an organisation that is well-known in NZ plus provides aid to nations in need regardless of race and religion.

For the minimum $40 a month (which works out less than $1.50 a day), I will be helping the Koh Andaet community in the district of Takeo (southern Cambodia) where my sponsored child is based. This is my sponsored child, Sochan Nov:

Little Sochan comes from a large family (she has 7 other siblings) and lives with her grandfather in the Koh Andaet community which World Vision is assisting in an area development programme to educate the people in education, health, agriculture/business and make plans and changes towards a better future for the children. During the time of my sponsorship, I am also encouraged to write to Sochan, as it helps create a warmer relationship, encourages the child and their family, as well as gives me a better understanding of their lives. I'm looking forward to my first letter from Sochan (I'm told it can take up to 3 months to received my first letter) and the many more coming ahead :)


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