QQ Rice (13th August 2009)

Went out to grab something for lunch and decided to give QQ Rice a try today. I've walked past this small Asian-looking fast-food outlet on Dixon St several times and have been intrigued to try their takeaway 'fan twan' (in Mandarin, meaning rice balls or rolls). QQ Rice is a franchise originating from Taiwan and New Zealand is the first Western country they have tapped into.

You can choose from the several meal sets or combos that they offer or make your own rice roll by selecting from the variety of rice and fillings available at the outlet. Rice options include brown, red, wheat germ, purple and mixed grain rice and you can choose 1 or 2 rice varieties as a base. There are 40 different fillings to choose from (you can pick up to 5) ranging from Western (e.g. ham, hotdog, smoked sliced salmon) to more exotic Asian delicacies (e.g. kim chi, dried shredded pork, pot-stewed egg). I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted so went for one of their set meal, a Spicy Beef roll. Cost $5.90 for the rice roll. I chose sesame rice as my base and it came with fillings of pot-stewed egg, dried shredded pork, braised beef with hot bean sauce, dried radish with chilli and sour cabbage pickle. The lovely girl behind the counter then rolled the fillings in the rice into a oval-shaped roll, popped it into a wrapper and gave it to me in a takeaway bag with a serviette.

Oh, this is SO yummy! And frankly, it was just the right amount to fill my tummy and affordable too. The serviette even has instructions on how to enjoy your meal! Haha, how very interesting! Highly recommend that you try them if you haven't. I'll have to go back and sample their other combinations. Photos taken on my mobile phone of my lunch expedition: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8070917@N05/sets/72157622051620252/detail/


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