Ken's visit to Wellington (15th November 2008)

I decided to go swimming this morning - can't be bothered with the pain and just feel yuck from the lack of exercise!

Caught up with Ken for the rest of the afternoon. He was meant to put up at my place last night but ended up staying with another friend, Kim during his stay in Wellington. It was nice to see him again - it has been almost a month since he had moved up to Auckland and we dearly miss him :)

Over the course of our chit-chat during lunch, the topic of Latinos Bar currently for sale came up. Ken would be the perfect person to run the place given his marketing and cooking skills, plus his huge network of friends in the salsa scene. As we talked, we got more curious and excited about the possible business idea. You wouldn't believe who coincidentally walked past us - Roy, one of the salsa teachers at Latinos Bar. So more chat about the bar and after lunch, Ken and I poked our heads into Latinos in hope to chat with owner, Manuel, to find out more about the business. No Manuel but found Roy there and he gave us a grand tour of the place. Wow, I had never thought the bar had a fully functioning kitchen which apparently hasn't been in use for years, as well as a back room with toilet and shower. I would be very happy if Ken did decide to take on this business - I get my buddy back in town (yes!) plus we get to keep the Friday salsa dance night tradition in Wellington. Of course, he needs to do his homework and check whether this is a feasible business to invest his time and money in first. Whatever the decision may be, I had fun just building castles in the air with him today :)

Popped over to catch up with Pip around 4pm and ended up having dinner at her place. Ken did the cooking while we watched...hehe... :) It was the first time I've tried his cooking and his simple seafood marinara pasta was yum! Oh, I so need to find myself a man who's happy to cook for me (lucky you, Tia!)!!

Back to my place for a quick shower and change after dinner and out again to Shooters Bar for another Latin Dance Night event. Caught up with friends and danced a bit but couldn't stick around for long as I had to be up early tomorrow for the train to Martinborough (yes, my 1st Toast Martiborough tomorrow!). Photos taken tonight:
The crowd at Shooters


Me and Ramnish having a boogie

Annie and Ken


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