Morning walk on Makara Walkway (29th November 2008)

Was up at 9.30am and planned to take it easy after a long night out. Turned on my mobile phone and got a text from Claus asking me if I wanted to go for a walk this morning. Of course - I LOVE walks! But he only gave me 10 minutes to get ready and packed for the trip AND I WAS STILL IN MY PAJAMAS!!

I know it's sunny outside - ARGH!!! Ooo, the evil man...stop texting me to hurry me up! Hopped into his car while drinking my Up & Go liquid breakfast. I so need a coffee right now...

We decided to take a short walk at Makara Walkway and arrived there around 10am. The walkway is a 6km loop, climbing to vantage points with spectacular views, and returning along the beach. Our walk today was just halfway along the beach and back as both of us had other plans for the afternoon. Though it was sunny, this area is very exposed to northerlies and was somewhat windy when we got there. Sweaters on! We had been here previously on a sunset chase - it was nice to see Makara Beach during the day with clear skies :)

Lots of little stops along the way to chat with other walkers and a few divers who were out paua hunting, took photos and helped Claus look for paua shells he was collecting as souvenirs for his friends back home in Brazil.

Around 11.15am, we stopped for a mid-morning snack of apples, juice and water. Spent some time looking for pebbles from where we sat to throw at a large rock in the sea. Honestly, if the rock was alive, it would get up and throw all the pebbles Claus used to hit it - he was throwing stones at machine gun rate! I tried to follow suit and aimed for the rock. Man, it was hard work trying to fling my pebble that far but I got there eventually - yay! :) Hmm, we'll feel sore in the arms tomorrow from all this throwing...

Around 11.45am, we started to head back to the carpark and arrived at the car around 12.20pm. Most of the walk was on pebbly beach with some sections of rocks we had to climb over. Woe is me for my short legs - I needed Claus to help me up and/or carry me down (embarassing!). Didn't help when he went "Come to papa!" clapping his hands, teasing me when I was stuck atop a rock and couldn't get down. Grr... :P

It was an awesome walk and thanks for the invite, Claus! I was meant to be at Tabatha's gathering this afternoon (both Claus and I were invited to the party) but I had agreed to attend Flo's bbq prior to receiving Tabatha's invitation. Sob, sob...I will be missing out on feijoada! You guys have fun and will catch up next time! Photos taken this morning:


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