Raro gang get-together BBQ at Kim's (9th November 2008)

Was up at 9am today and multitasked household chores while eating my breakfast and making orange kumara salad for this afternoon's potluck at Kim's. Kim had organised for the gang who went to Rarotonga to get together again at her place in Lyall Bay for a BBQ. The theme was tropical so cake didn't seem like a suitable dish to bring this time. Oh, I hope this kumara salad would turn out alright - it's a recipe Sam's partner, Anna, gave to me in a previous potluck I attended at their place and I've never tried making it myself.

Quite a bit of work though, peeling the 1.5kg bag of kumara, chopping them into bite-size pieces and baking them. Took me about 1 hour to make this dish but it was so worth it - I've tried some of them and they are YUM! Had better pack it up or there would be none left for the BBQ!

Around 2pm, I headed over to Kim's and got a lost on my way to her suburb (I hardly venture out of the city in my car) but managed to find it with my handy map. Wow, the view of Lyall Bay from her place is amazing! I wouldn't mind waking up to such a gorgeous view though I cannot imagine how you walk to and fro the city everyday, Kim! It would take like an hour each way plus you still had to walk up a few flights of stairs to her house. Good on you, Kim!

Everyone who came brought something. Kalwant, Rachel and Tim (Sharon's back in Melbourne) from the group were not here - you guys missed out on all the AWESOME food! We even had Vicki and Ant (the couple we kept missing in Rarotonga) with us together with Kim's flatmates. We started off with drinks, snacks and chit-chat. Kim made these lovely little jelly cups using oranges as the cup (what happened to all the remains of the oranges???) and a cocktail umbrella stuck to it. Hmm, nice...I think I had like 2 or 3 until I found out that she had put Jim Beam in it. Ah, now I know why they were so tempting... :P

Oh, you must try Karen's toasties! The mix of ingredients didn't sound very appealing but it tasted great! Toast with cheese, vegemite and banana - who would have imagined the combination would taste so good? Cheese fans, you would love Colm's cheese-stuffed mushrooms - core the middle of fresh button mushroom and stuffed with 2 types of cheese, then grilled on the BBQ. Lots of other interesting food brought along today by the group. Why we have quite a lot of cooks amongst us, huh?

Great job Debs for manning the BBQ and to everyone for making something yummy for the gathering! Now I'm just going to stand next to the BBQ very patiently to wait for Flo's scallops to cook...hehe...

Oh, I ate too much! We had food enough for the whole week!! There was garlic bread, bbq meat, kebabs and seafood, salads, pasta etc. Yum :) Photos taken today: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8070917@N05/sets/72157608804619847/detail/

Ok, this is weird - why do you guys have a USB drive in your pockets??? Colm had some photos taken in Rarotonga for us to copy and interestingly everyone had a USB stick handy except me! I don't carry one with my keychain! Oh well, will grab the photos from Colm when I drop him home...Most of us left around 6pm. Brr, getting chilly now that the sun's gone hiding! Next BBQ will be at Flo's place in Brooklyn - hopefully another sunny day and lots of yummy food :)

Was feeling absolutely shattered by the time I got home and went to sleep at 9pm. Been having this odd pain on my upper back and arms and popping painkillers breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not too sure what's wrong...sigh...better not fall sick. No time to be sick!


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